About Me

Experienced software development lead/owner with nearly years of Industrial Experience and a veteran in the field of Product Management, Data Science, and Software Development. I have built a strong reputation for problem-solving and enhancing customer satisfaction throughout my career. With a proven track record of surpassing goals, I prioritize tasks effectively to boost efficiency and productivity, thereby strengthening the organizational brand. I demonstrate exceptional organization and dependability while managing multiple priorities with a positive attitude. Possessing a versatile skill set, I am willing to take on additional responsibilities to meet team goals and contribute to diverse fields.

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An orange painted blue, cut in half laying on a blue background

M.S in Applied Analytics

Columbia University

An orange painted blue, cut in half laying on a blue background

Masters of Technology in Software Engineering
(5 years Integrated)

Vellore Institute of Technology

Professional Experience

An orange painted blue, cut in half laying on a blue background

Data Science Intern

Career Design Lab - Columbia University

An orange painted blue, cut in half laying on a blue background

Academic Tutor

Columbia University
(Jan 2023- May 2023)

An orange painted blue, cut in half laying on a blue background

Senior System Software Development Engineer

Intel Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore - India
(June 2018 - Jan 2023)

An orange painted blue, cut in half laying on a blue background

Director of Instant Recipes Pvt. Ltd

Instant Recipes Pvt. Ltd - India
(March 2020 - Jan 2023)

Research and Publications

Exploring Knowledge: Unveiling My Research and Publications.


Songs Rating Prediction

The aim of this project is to create a predictive model to predict the rating of various songs by utilizing the songs characteristics/features (like artist or genere or combination of these features). Two distinct datasets were used, one is analysisData.csv to train the model and scoringData.csv to predict the ranking for the song. The essence of this project is to utilize the data exploration techniques, feature engineering methods, using predictive algorithm to predict the rating and fianlly tune the model by tuning hyper-parameters to improve accuracy.

NYC Motor Vehicle Accidents Rate Analysis

Developed this project to analyse the NYC motor vechical rate to understand the trends in the accidents rates. We have used tablue to map the collosions across NYC and clustured the data points together based on accident rates. We have analyzed weekdays vs weekends, at hour of the day and type of accident which is prone at that moment. This will help the organization to deploy the resources where it is most needed. Created visualizations and developed project in a way that is representable to CTO, CMO and CEO's to help them to take actions to mitigate the accidents.

Advertisement Strategy
2D vs 3D

Developed a Research plan to analyze the advertisement strategy: 2D vs 3D. This research study aims to answer these 2 main questions:"Relative to 2D advertisements, would displaying 3D advertisements increase the proportion of potential customers who click on “VIEW MORE” button under the advertisements?" and "Relative to 2D advertisements, would displaying 3D advertisements increase the proportion of potential customers who click on “ADD TO CART” button to add the advertised product to their shopping carts?"

Financial Analytics Solution for Software as Service (Saas) company

Project emphasised on analysing possible approaches when a company (SaaS) has some of possible option such as "Building in-house Technology" or "Collaborate with Startup" or "Do nothing" to advanance the companys product in the market. Based on financial analytics that was applied on ROI, Net Present Value, Internal Rate Of Return subjected with Up-front cost, Annual Revenue groth etc.. factors, I have Provided recommendation that CEO of company need to take based on these values.

Marketing Analytics project for grocery delivery company on customer base.

conducted an in-depth analysis on grocery delivery company customer data to address key questions from the CFO regarding customer segments and customer acquisition. Utilized a dataset to provide insights and strategic recommendations.

Awards and Recognizations

Embracing My Journey: Celebrating Personal Achievements and Milestones

Columbia University Fellowship Award

Received fellowship award for being an outstanding applicant.

Intel Culture Hero Award

Received “Intel Cultural Hero” award for exemplifying Intel culture in the year 2022

Intel Gold Coin Award

Received “Intel Gold Coin” award for working beyond expectation and extending support in times of need during the pandemic

Product Assurance Security Belt (Yellow)

Product Security Assurance Achievement

Product Assurance Security Belt (White)

Product Security Assurance Achievement

Corporate Social Responsibility

Obtained fundings of INR 1,50,000 as part of Corporate Social Responsibility- Social Initiative Contest

Poster Presentation Award

Presented Poster on on Intels Project Innovation Day on the Topic "Emerging Technologies in Data Center Manageability"

Divisional Recognizations

Recognized by Intel India President Nivruthi Rai, for the innovative solution.



Divisional Recognizations

Recognized by Intel India DCG Labs Manager
